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Ten mines with important breakthrough in deep prospecting
time:2021-07-13 browse:2119

The price department of the national development and Reform Commission and the price supervision and Competition Bureau of the General Administration of market supervision and competition jointly went to the national coal trading center for investigation on June 17 to understand the operation and price change of the coal market, and held a symposium to study and do a good job in the work of ensuring supply and stability of coal and other commodities.

The meeting proposed to closely monitor the price trend of coal and other bulk commodities, earnestly do a good job in price forecasting and early warning, timely understand the operation of relevant market entities, investigate abnormal transactions and malicious speculation, severely crack down on illegal and illegal behaviors such as hoarding and driving up prices, and maintain normal market order. At the same time, in accordance with the measures for the administration of price index behavior of important commodities and services (for Trial Implementation), we will standardize the compilation and release of commodity price index.

The meeting pointed out that since the beginning of this year, the prices of coal and other bulk commodities have risen rapidly, and the prices of some varieties have reached record highs, which has increased the burden of downstream industries, adversely affected the healthy development of the real economy, and caused great repercussions in all aspects of society.

Meng Wei, deputy director and spokesman of the Policy Research Office of the national development and Reform Commission, said on June 17 that in recent months, the prices of some bulk commodities have risen by a large margin, which deviated from the fundamentals of supply and demand and exceeded the reasonable range of the recovery rise.

In this regard, the national development and Reform Commission and the relevant departments took prompt action and took various measures simultaneously, and achieved initial results“ The national development and Reform Commission will thoroughly implement the plan of the executive meeting of the State Council and, together with relevant departments, do a good job in implementing various key tasks. In particular, it is necessary to closely monitor market and price changes, open up sources and reduce expenditure through multiple channels, promote the dynamic balance between supply and demand, strengthen the supervision of the futures and spot markets, and maintain the normal order of the market. At the same time, efforts should be made to organize and implement the policies for regulating the prices of people's livelihood commodities, establish and improve the relevant mechanisms, improve the ability and level of price regulation, and ensure that the market supply and prices of people's livelihood commodities are basically stable. " Meng Wei said.

Recently, the national development and Reform Commission has also issued the measures for the administration of price index behavior of important commodities and services (for Trial Implementation). In response, Xu Guangjian of the school of public administration of Renmin University of China said that the measures were introduced to standardize the compilation and release of price index and reasonably guide the formation of market price.

In recent years, "some market institutions compete to collect price information and publish price index in China, which plays a positive role in promoting the reasonable formation of price, improving the transparency of price signal, enhancing the influence of China's price index, and then serving the development of real economy. But at the same time, there are also some problems, such as some price index actors are stakeholders, the index information is not open and opaque, and the naming is random. In particular, some price indexes are not scientific and random, which disturbs market expectations and aggravates market volatility. " The relevant person in charge of the price department of the national development and Reform Commission said that deregulation of prices does not mean laissez faire. Standardizing price index behavior is not only the ive need to guide the rational formation of market prices, but also the internal requirement to promote fair competition and healthy and orderly development of the price index market.

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